It was a friday night and I was out cruising with my friends Dick and Tom, we were in Dick's dodge neon. (the names have been changed to protect the identity of all involved) Well we were scooting on down the road when a car full of young lovelies came rolling up beside us waving and honking. So I'm leaning out the window trying to converse and find a place for us to meet up so we can become better acquainted when Tom decides that he wants to be a part of the conversation, so he pops up through the sunroof, to say his hellos. At this point it was determined that the girls were on their way home and that they could not stop, I proceded to pick up the digits and say my farewells, and as Tom did the same I slid back in the window, but Tom did not. See Tom is a big guy and once he had gotten his stomach through the sunroof he became stuck in the sunroof, thus blocking the sunroof for all else to use. Now this is were good friends would become concerned, they would stop and get out of the car and help Tom with his predicament, but Dick and I while being good friends also have a mean streak a mile wide decide we liked having Tom as a roof ornament and that we should drive around town showing him off. So we proceded for awhile enjoying the scenery of Mesquite with the radio blasting so as the drowned out the obnoxious noise coming from Tom. And this is were the story becomes a public service announcement.
Boys and girls if you ever find yourself in Mesquite, Tx driving around town with a person hanging out of your sunroof, please be aware that this illegal, and that the Mesquite Police will pull you over, however they will not issue you a ticket if you have a legitimate excuse for your actions, and may actually thank you for bringin a little humor to the night. On the other hand your friend Tom may be very upset with you and want to beat you up, so be prepared for the reprecussion for your actions or lack there of.
Tom did eventually forgive us but to this day he refuses to ride with me or Dick.
Phobia of the Day: Amaxophobia- Fear of riding in a car
Number of the Day: 972.222.4589
Where are they now?