Monday, December 31, 2007

The Day and E-Mail Survey ruined my life.

It was Monday, a cold dark busy Monday, the day my life changed forever. I remember it started off normal no signs of pending doom, no red moon on the horizon none of your typical indicators had made themselves apparent. So when "it" hit it was like a ton of bricks, I had arrived at work like normal shelling out the normal hellos as I sat down at my computer, logged in and hit receive on my inbox. The computer chimed in perfect harmony "you have mail". I browsed through the emails weeding out the junk and I cam across an email from a friend titled "If you are truly my friend you'll do this". I felt obligated to complete this task, because it was my friend, so I continued on undaunted. "Please return this to the person who sent it to you and forward it to ten of your friends" No problem and the first question read - How old are you? ha the ease of the question made me giddy, I typed 29, and with those two little numbers I was crushed, I am 29 I'll be thirty in three months, I'm so old! Saddened I felt as though maybe continuing the email would help me get over my age depression, Question Number 2: Hair Color? And like a dagger through the heart any happiness I had was cast aside like a midget at a basketball game. Not only am I old but I've lost all my hair! I was desolate sucked into my on despair I felt shame creeping over me, I knew I must continue though for the sake of my friend... I am too depressed to continue this post reliving this moment has proven itself to difficult a task, I shall continue tomorrow...

Number of the Day: 95

Animal of the Day: Red Uakari Monkey

Word of the Day: temerity \tuh-MER-uh-tee\, noun:Unreasonable or foolhardy contempt of danger; rashness.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Last Thought of Famous Dead People

Have you ever wondered what the last thought of some famous people were, what the last thing that went through heir mind was. Well I compiled a list and below is a list of some thoughts I feel may have occurred.
Lets go biblical first,
Adam - I toil in the fields all my life, she eats the fruit first, and she still out lives me!
Goliath - Wow, whats that whistling sound?
Judas - Get a rope!
Samson - I know I cant see it but I bet my hair looks beautiful
Eve - I should have never eaten that apple.
and now famous writers, musicians, and just people.
Elvis - Man I wish I had, had that ventilation fan installed.
John Denver - The windshield of his custom built airplane
Marylin Monroe - I wonder what JFK's men are doing in my parking lot.
James Dean - Man I wish Just Brakes was open earlier.
Marlboro Man - Guess they were right about that Cancer thing.
I know for my first blog its not gold but its shiny!
If you have any ideas for other famous last thoughts please share!
Number of the Day: 3,467
Animal of the Day: Adélie Penguin
Word of the Day: arcane \ar-KAYN\, adjective:Understood or known by only a few.