Friday, January 23, 2009

Two Guys, Three girls, and four huge packages of toilet paper!

I remember the days of peewee football; the Friday Pep rallies, wearing our jerseys to school, getting a special lunch for being on the team. (For those of you not from Texas, football rules the life of an average kid from flag through high school) But some of my fondest memories come from the Friday nights before the games. To wake up to giggling voices as the cheerleaders’ toilet paper every tree in your front yard! Or to be chased from the front yard of the cheerleaders by a very angry father who is not scared to throw things at kids or call your parents and rat you out that you had snuck out of the house at two in the morning. So when you do get home and sneak through your window, your Mom can scare the ever-living crap out of you by jumping out of your closet. Not that, that ever happened I’m just saying it could! But I digress, where was I, oh yes, the other day my wife and I were driving down the road and we saw three “tween” age girls walking down the street carrying four large packages of toilet paper, I’m talking twenty four packs here people. It was actually funny because one of the girls was trying to carry two packages and together they had to of weighed more than her, she was having some trouble. I laughed out loud at these girls because that scene could only lead to one scenario with multiple endings.

But as we drove on the plot thickened – about seventy-five yards behind these girls were two boys, obviously trying hard not to be seen by the girls and appeared they were doing a good job. This changes the scenario completely and in tomorrows blog I will play these two scenarios out in what I would like to call –

MTV The Real World Mode!